
Do you have recur­ring qual­i­ty issues in pro­duc­tion?

Do you want to low­er your costs by avoid­ing expen­sive re-pro­duc­tion? Do you want to receive updates on pro­duc­tion qual­i­ty, ide­al­ly dur­ing ongo­ing pro­duc­tion? Do you want to be informed about devi­a­tions from the stan­dard process in time to be able to take mea­sures as quick­ly as pos­si­ble?
Then you need an intel­li­gent mon­i­tor­ing solu­tion which can do all of this. You need s.quality!

s.quality Diagramm
The chal­lenge

Evaluates the product quality and the system condition during the running process.

The increas­ing prod­uct and process require­ments set high stan­dards for pro­duc­tion qual­i­ty and there­fore also for the entire pro­duc­tion process. It is there­fore impor­tant to make pro­duc­tion process­es trans­par­ent so that process devi­a­tions can be recog­nised and rec­ti­fied as quick­ly as pos­si­ble with the help of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence.

Our software solution: s.quality

Even the small­est devi­a­tions of indi­vid­ual process para­me­ters can have a mas­sive impact on prod­uct qual­i­ty. Recalled prod­ucts and large quan­ti­ties of rejects are often the result — a cost­ly and time-con­sum­ing affair for any com­pa­ny. Our inno­v­a­tive soft­ware s.quality process­es your data already dur­ing ongo­ing pro­duc­tion and eval­u­ates it using arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence. The dig­i­tal solu­tion helps you mon­i­tor the mea­sured val­ues and process para­me­ters of your plant to ensure that your end prod­uct meets the required qual­i­ty stan­dards. s.quality per­ma­nent­ly mon­i­tors your recur­ring process­es and mea­sure­ment oper­a­tions, detect­ing any faults or devi­a­tions from the stan­dard process at an ear­ly stage. An extreme­ly high data res­o­lu­tion of up to 1 MHz can be processed. With our soft­ware solu­tion, our cus­tomers are opti­mal­ly equipped for qual­i­ty assur­ance and mon­i­tor­ing in all process and pro­duc­tion stages. By using s.quality, you can boost your pro­duc­tion per­for­mance while reduc­ing the fail­ure rate in order to assure high­est pro­duc­tion qual­i­ty. Our soft­ware solu­tion helps you com­plete your tasks even more effi­cient­ly and pre­cise­ly, and iden­ti­fy and cor­rect faults in time.

Braunes und grünes Blatt mit neuronalem Netzwerk.

The algorithm library of s.quality

s.quality uses arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence (AI) to iden­ti­fy devi­a­tions in the pro­duc­tion process. A mod­el is trained with his­tor­i­cal data to detect any abnor­mal behav­iour in new data sets. Self-learn­ing sta­tis­ti­cal meth­ods are used to iden­ti­fy a stan­dard struc­ture for each test chan­nel. If the pro­file of a mea­sured val­ue devi­ates sig­nif­i­cant­ly from the dynam­ic tol­er­ance thresh­old defined by the user, the anom­alies are doc­u­ment­ed as errors and analysed. Only very few set­tings are required to obtain a clear and instant overview of all mea­sured val­ues and any faulty prod­ucts, com­po­nents or process­es. Machine learn­ing makes it pos­si­ble to adapt this pro­ce­dure to defined stan­dard process­es. s.quality can also be inte­grat­ed into the man­u­fac­tur­ing process and auto­mat­i­cal­ly com­mu­ni­cate the con­di­tion of the inspect­ed prod­uct or mon­i­tored process to the machine con­trol.

Monitor im Wald mit Diagramm
At a glance

The benefits of s.quality

  1. per­ma­nente Hin­ter­grundüberwachung kri­tis­ch­er PrCon­tin­u­ous back­ground mon­i­tor­ing of crit­i­cal process vari­ables
  2. Clas­si­fi­ca­tion of anom­alies through self-learn­ing mon­i­tor­ing algo­rithms
  3. Root cause analy­sis of changes in pro­duc­tion qual­i­ty
  4. Can be used in all process and pro­duc­tion stages
  5. Unsu­per­vised and super­vised learn­ing
  6. Dynam­ic thresh­old for con­tin­u­ous process and prod­uct qual­i­ty assess­ment
  7. Process eval­u­a­tion pos­si­ble dur­ing live oper­a­tion or offline
How it works

s.quality in a nutshell


  • High-res­o­lu­tion process val­ues of indi­vid­ual pro­duc­tion steps
  • Dis­crete pro­duc­tion mon­i­tor­ing (prod­uct ID)
  • No pre-clas­si­fi­ca­tion of prod­uct qual­i­ty nec­es­sary

Our solution for assessing manufacturing quality during production:

  • Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of devi­a­tions in prod­uct qual­i­ty
  • Ful­ly auto­mat­ed clas­si­fi­ca­tion of qual­i­ty lev­els (OK / not OK) 
  • Under­stand­ing indi­vid­ual dif­fer­ences in qual­i­ty


  • Stand-alone / On-premise solu­tion
  • Full solu­tion · live assess­ment and report­ing
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statmath Mitarbeiter Louis
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Christian Friedrich
s.quality assess­es the qual­i­ty of your prod­ucts already dur­ing ongo­ing pro­duc­tion.
Chris­t­ian Friedrich
ifm stat­math gmbh Man­ag­ing Direc­tor