
ifm stat­math gmbh
An der Alche 15
57072 Siegen


Phone .: +49 (0) 271 – 319 28 00 1
Fax: +49 (0) 271 – 319 28 00 7

Siegen Local Court: HRB 9485

Man­ag­ing direc­tors: Chris­t­ian Friedrich and Dr. Alexan­der Hoff­mann

Reg­is­tered office of the com­pa­ny: Siegen

VAT No.: DE277881890


Con­tent of the online offer


  • Content of the online offer

    The author reserves the right not to be respon­si­ble for the top­i­cal­i­ty, cor­rect­ness, com­plete­ness or qual­i­ty of the infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed. Lia­bil­i­ty claims against the author relat­ing to mate­r­i­al or imma­te­r­i­al dam­age caused by the use or non-use of the infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed or by the use of incor­rect or incom­plete infor­ma­tion are exclud­ed, except in the case of wil­ful intent or gross neg­li­gence on the part of the author.

    All offers are sub­ject to change. The author express­ly reserves the right to change, sup­ple­ment or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer with­out sep­a­rate announce­ment or to dis­con­tin­ue pub­li­ca­tion tem­porar­i­ly or per­ma­nent­ly.

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    The author is not respon­si­ble for any con­tents linked or referred to from his pages — unless he has full knowl­edge of ille­gal con­tents and would be able to pre­vent the vis­i­tors of his site fromview­ing those pages.

    The author here­by express­ly declares that at the time the links were cre­at­ed, no ille­gal con­tent was iden­ti­fi­able on the linked pages. The author has no influ­ence what­so­ev­er on the cur­rent and future design and con­tent of the linked pages. For this rea­son, he here­by express­ly dis­tances him­self from all con­tent of all linked pages that were changed after the link was cre­at­ed. This state­ment applies to all links and ref­er­ences set with­in the own Inter­net offer as well as to exter­nal entries in guest books, dis­cus­sion forums, link direc­to­ries, mail­ing lists and in all oth­er for­mats of data­bas­es to whose con­tents exter­nal write access is pos­si­ble. Lia­bil­i­ty for ille­gal, incor­rect or incom­plete con­tent and in par­tic­u­lar for dam­age aris­ing from the use or non-use of such infor­ma­tion lies sole­ly with the provider of the page to which ref­er­ence is made, and not with the per­son who mere­ly refers to the respec­tive pub­li­ca­tion via links.

  • Copyright and trademark law

    The author endeav­ours to observe the copy­rights of the graph­ics, sound doc­u­ments, video sequences and texts used in all pub­li­ca­tions, to use graph­ics, sound doc­u­ments, video sequences and texts cre­at­ed by him­self or to use licence-free graph­ics, sound doc­u­ments, video sequences and texts.

    All brand names and trade­marks men­tioned on the web­site and pos­si­bly pro­tect­ed by third par­ties are sub­ject with­out restric­tion to the pro­vi­sions of the applic­a­ble trade­mark law and the own­er­ship rights of the respec­tive reg­is­tered own­ers. The mere men­tion of a trade­mark does not imply that it is not pro­tect­ed by the rights of third par­ties!

    The copy­right for pub­lished objects cre­at­ed by the author him­self remains sole­ly with the author of the pages. Any dupli­ca­tion or use of objects such as dia­grams, sounds or texts in oth­er elec­tron­ic or print­ed pub­li­ca­tions is not per­mit­ted with­out the author’s agree­ment.

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    If the oppor­tu­ni­ty for the input of per­son­al or busi­ness data (email address­es, name, address­es) is giv­en, the input of these data takes place vol­un­tar­i­ly. The use and pay­ment of all offered ser­vices are per­mit­ted — if and so far tech­ni­cal­ly pos­si­ble and rea­son­able — with­out spec­i­fi­ca­tion of any per­son­al data or under spec­i­fi­ca­tion of anonymised data or an alias. The use of pub­lished postal address­es, tele­phone or fax num­bers and email address­es for mar­ket­ing pur­pos­es is pro­hib­it­ed, offend­ers send­ing unwant­ed spam mes­sages will be pun­ished. The right is express­ly reserved to take legal action against the senders of so-called spam mails in the event of vio­la­tions of this pro­hi­bi­tion.

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    This dis­claimer is to be regard­ed as part of the inter­net pub­li­ca­tion which you were referred from. If sec­tions or indi­vid­ual terms of this state­ment are not legal or cor­rect, the con­tent or valid­i­ty of the oth­er parts remain unin­flu­enced by this fact.

  • Social media presences

    This imprint also applies to our Face­book pres­ence and Insta­gram account .


    Icons made by Freepik , Pup­pets , Icon Pharm , Bryn Tay­lor , Nice and Seri­ous, Good Ware by is licensed by CC BY 3.0

    Birth­day vec­tor cre­at­ed by —

    Icons made by Jejen Julian­syah Nur Agung, Webalys, Korawan_m, Chanut-is, Euca­lyp Stu­dio, Bom­Sym­bols, AomAm, Locad, Man­thana Chai­wong, ONN Dig­i­tal, Unlimiti­con, Yun Liu , Swifti­cons,, Becris by icon­find­er is licensed by CC BY 3.0

    Birth­day vec­tor , Busi­ness vec­tor , Back­ground vec­tor cre­at­ed by raw­pix­el in freepik web­site.